iKingNinja Profile Picture


I am iKingNinja, a software engineer and also a game developer on Roblox.

I have experience working with different programming languages including JavaScript, TypeScript, C# and Luau.

I joined Roblox in 2020 and initially got interested in game development, later in november I started developing Discord bots and from there my Web development journey began.


In the field on web development I am mainly a back-end developer and specialise in building REST APIs with frameworks like express.js for JavaScript and ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core for C#.

Past work

You can view my past work and current projects here or on GitHub.

The biggest project I have been working on is BloxTeams.

I learned a lot working on BloxTeams and I considerably improved my programming skills while developing it. I am also one of its co-founders and work as a back-end developer for it.


I tend to keep my Discord tag private as I only accept Direct Messages from servers I am a member of. The best way to contact me is through DevForum Private Messages. You can find my DevForum profile here.